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Environmental policy

CAIRON is an international service corporation. We aspire to provide our customers with excellent products and media services.


Our ultimate purpose is to contribute to the advancement of society. We acknowledge the obligations to society that follow from the nature of our business and economic success. As active corporate citizens, we are dedicated to the well being of the communities in which we do business.

Responsibility for the Environment

CAIRON strongly believes that environmental protection is part of its corporate responsibility.
We strive for a responsible use of natural resources in the production and distribution of our products and services, and seek to ensure environmentally responsible procurement. This applies in particular to materials and processes in the production of printed products and to logistics services. To ensure the environmental compatibility of our activities, we strive for responsible use of energy, water, materials and space. In and beyond compliance with existing environmental laws and in recognition of the importance of environmental issues, CAIRON aims at continually reviewing and improving its environmental performance.

Involvement of employees

Active involvement of our employees is an important pre-condition for a high environmental performance. We therefore expect our employees to behave responsibly towards the community and the environment.

Active involvement of our employees is an important pre-condition for a high environmental performance. We therefore expect our employees to behave responsibly towards the community and the environment.

Transparency and Dialogue

CAIRON perceives itself as a partner in society. Thus, we undertake to maintain an open and mutually constructive dialogue with customers, business partners and other interested parties.

Paderborn, April 2019

Bernd Lüke
Managing Director, CAIRON Group GmbH